Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sleep! And Flying!

(No, sadly, I haven't had any flying dreams...)

It's amazing how much more clearly I can think and act and work when I've had enough sleep. Yesterday was a difficult day. We seemed to have a lot of strange situations which required thinking outside of normalcy, a difficult task when running on less than adequate sleep.

But today! Today was wonderful! I was able to do my job without hurting my brain or losing concentration. It's so much easier to function when your head isn't swimming in sleep-deprived waters.

Also, I booked my flight home! I'm so excited to be able to spend an entire week with my family! And it happens to coincide with the Heywood Family Reunion! I'll not only see my parents and my brothers and my sisters, but I'll get to hang with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. I'm pretty happy about this. PLUS, I'm super excited about seeing my friends. Oh, gosh, I can't wait!!

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