Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Blessings and Broken Hearts

I'm out of the habit of posting the everyday wonders. Not that I'm out of the habit noticing them. Believe me, I'm not. For example, on Monday, a co-worker and I were walking into the administration building, where we  work, and we saw a gentleman, probably in his early fifties, strapping something around his legs. We had to stare for quite a bit before we figured out what he was doing. He was zipping and buttoning his leather chaps on his legs. I don't know if you can really picture this. They were black leather chaps with silver buttons and zips. He was strapping them on while talking to a One Stop cashier. Picture it. I had a really hard time not laughing out loud as I passed this wonderful scene.

And I finished reading a book recommended (and loaned) to me by my lovely Amilia-friend called The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. It was creepy and strange and wonderful. I'm now reading another Gaiman novel, the title of which may be familiar to you all: Coraline. I think I'll read Stardust next, and perhaps American Gods. I think I may be in love with a new-to-me author.

I'm enjoying a new music experience, care of Spotify. So fun.

My mother, David-brother, and Britney-sister are here for my Dallin-cousin's wedding.

See. I'm counting my blessing, seeing the good, finding the interesting, being happy.

But there are times when I revert to brooding. It's in my nature and I just can't help it. For example, I came across a young family as I was doing verification on Monday and it just made me feel jealous and lonely and sad and broken-hearted. Why are some people blessed earlier in life with a spouse and children, and some of us just have to wait and wait and wait? It's silly, I know, to ask, "Why?" It's silly to compare myself. It's silly to wonder if there's something wrong with me, if I did something or am doing something to keep these blessing just out of my reach. It's silly to be superstitious about love, finding love, wishing for love, etc. There are no right or wrong ways to find love--real love, the kind that grows and changes and lasts forever. But I can't help it sometimes. You know, the whole, "make a wish," stuff. Or "if such and such happens, it means someone's thinking of you, or in love with you, or you'll soon be married, or blah blah blah..." Silly, right? But still...


Christy said...

Not silly - and all the love your family can give is just not the same as someone to hold your hand. I hope and pray for my beautiful daughters that they find that someone and that they do not settle. Because you also need someone who will make you number one, desire to have and raise righteous children (and help do so), be able to support you mentally and physically. You need someone as great as you!

David said...

Mom is right.

You tug my heart strings.

I was 27 when I found your Mom. I had given up, and had resigned myself to single life. But blessings come from unforeseen sources. My Aunt Rita will always be precious to me. Though I have had challenges with her, I will always be grateful for her intercession. I never expected to meet anyone like Christy, let alone eventually be married to her. She is right...we both hope that you will be patient, wait for the right person, and not "settle" on a husband out of desperation.

You are an angel, as are your sisters and brothers. You have a worthy man. It is simply "time" in the way.