For some reason, I absolutely love this photo. It has something to do with the cuteness of Jana's little smile and the dress she's wearing, Marie rubbing her eye and holding that little flute, and my hair with the funky crimp in it, probably from having it up and then taking it down. And the purple pants. Also the tree. I have such fond memories of that tree. It was the landmark that told people which house was ours. "The one with the big Chinese elm in the middle of the yard." And the wall behind us, aka "the balance beam." Oh, the hours spent doing "gymnastics" on our "balance beam." It also has something to do with the image itself. The sharp contrast between the focus on us three girls, and the fuzzy plants and wall behind us. I wish I knew what year this was taken. I think it had to have been just before I started kindergarten, which was the same year we moved into the house, and the year David was born.
I read a post on Facebook the other day by a friend who wished for the days of her childhood, to go back to when her biggest stress was when she couldn't find her Barbie doll. I sometimes think back to my days as a kid, spending all summer outside and shoeless, riding bikes around town with my friends, putting on plays and making up dances with the neighbors, when my biggest stress was not being able to get my little brothers and sisters to do what I told them to do. Those were great days. They were fun. But as great and fun as they were, I don't want to go back. There are so many great and fun things to look forward to that I don't want to spend time living in the past. I look forward to my future. I just hope I can make it a good one.
And you can still spend your summers riding bikes and being barefoot.
Well, I'd have to borrow a bike. But I do spend 'em barefoot, for sure.
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