Thursday, July 1, 2010

Books Get Under My Skin

I wish I could say that I'm kidding, but I'm not. This book... Man. I'm about a hundred pages from the end, and (though I've never seen the movie) I know what's going to happen. I mean, I know what's going to happen. Henry's already gone into the future so he knows what's going to happen. This sucks. I'm so so sad. I don't really wanna finish it now, cuz I just know it's gonna be so sad. (Heavy sigh)

I don't know why books get under my skin like they do. Well, ok, let's be honest. Not all books get under my skin. Some books I can read and they have little to no emotional impact--probably because they bore me to tears. But more often than not I'm invested in the characters: I fall in love, I get my heart broken, I talk with elves, I experience death (my own or of a loved one), I dream and awaken, I go on journeys, I fight dragons, I get fired or I quit a crappy job, I meet famous people, I can speak to water, fire, wind, animals.

Who in their right mind doesn't like getting sucked into a story like this? It's like The Neverending Story. I'm Bastian yelling out a new name for The Childlike Empress. "MOON CHILD!" I speak to these characters. Outloud. Or I laugh. Or I cry. I was in line at Cafe Rio yesterday, and I brought the book in with me. The line is always long at Cafe Rio, so I thought I'd pass the time reading. I read a line that made me smile. I looked up to see a woman looking at me. I smiled at her as if to say, "That was funny, huh?" Then I got to a part that just broke my heart, and I literally made a pouty face. I looked up and there was a little girl watching me. I had to laugh at myself. I'm pretty sure people who catch me reading think I'm crazy.


Christy said...

You must get it from me. I used to stay up till the wee hours because I couldn't stop reading. I had to find out what happens. Just one more chapter and then it would be 2 or 3 am and I had to be up at 6 to get to work on time. If I am going to read a book, I want to be able to sit down and read until the end. Maybe that is why I don't read as much anymore - too old to stay up all night!

pandaswat.sarah said...

I have to tell myself to put the book down and go outside, otherwise it completely takes over my brain! But I know what you mean about wanting to just do it in one go. I love taking an afternoon/evening to read a book, even though it feels like I'm wasting time. "There are other things I should be doing." Hmm. That sounds familiar. I think I got that from you, too.

PS I finished 'The Time Traveler's Wife' yesterday afternoon. I cried.