I got paid today. That means I also sat down and balanced my check book. That means I also wrote a check for tithing, to my mom for my cell phone texting, to my brother for his mission fund, and for rent--no, I'm not complaining! These are all great things to be blessed to pay for. However, after the check-writing and check-book-balancing, I'm back to broke! Plus there are like fifty birthdays in my family this month. OK, really just three, but one of them is in Guatemala, so I have to send a freakin' package! And all these concerts and movies I want to go to and road-trips and family reunions this summer...Money Sucks, man.
Any ideas to earn extra cash?
money can really suck... there are two ways to feel you have more money,
1)earn more
2) spend less
people try to focus on the first option like you state in your closing line. I believe the solutions to financial stress is spending less. If you add up all your daily "insignificant expenditures on say.. starbucks, McD's, little here and there, then you see where ur cash is going...
don't just balance ur check book, sort the spenditures in necessary and not Necesssary, and be honest.. dinner with the gang is not necessary, have them over to your place and cook yourself, (guaranteed $20 extra bucks in your purse)
I study econ and love talking about this type of personal finance!! jajaja hope I was help!! :)
PS. music choice is fascinating!!! been on ur blog for hours listening to your play list, I think I'll put one in mine!!!
Thanks for the advice. It's true, it's better to save. It's also harder to save, especially for someone like me who likes to spend! But you're right. And thanks for the compliment on my playlist. There's quite a big variety, though I think mostly they could all be put in the rock/jazz/folk category. I'm glad you enjoyed listening.
I have a blog but I so far I have only posts in Spanish, but I have "musical moments" in which I put a link to a song I want people to listen two (that was before I found the playlist thing, jajaja)
The thing is I wanted you to check out the last one I posted, look for the post "be my friend..." or look at the category list the one that says musical moments.
my bog is theimprenta.blogspot.com
tell me waht u think!!
excuse my type-o's!!! jajajaja that "two" was a "too"!!!!
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