Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How did it happen that I missed blog updates from some of my favorite blogs? I have no clue. But I got caught up this morning, and I just have to say that I know some pretty freakin' awesome people. Creative writers, new mommas, designers, decorators, arts & crafts aficionados... loving, caring, passionate, driven people. I'm very blessed to have these influences in my life. I love you all.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oh, the horror!!

I'm not exactly sure how this happened, but I'm currently helping to make a horror film. It's extremely low-budget (meaning those of us involved are paying for all that's involved) and it's extremely short (meaning it will probably be less than five minutes long, end credits included) and I'm not sure at all of what I'm doing (meaning I show up and do what I'm told) but it's a fun experience so far.

I get to play one of three dead girls haunting the man who killed us. Two guesses on who is playing the other two dead girls. We get to be creepy. It's gonna be hard to keep the laughter to a minimum.

We have the rest of this week to get it done (editing and all). We'll be presenting our film at the Horror Movie Festival in St. George next weekend. I'll let you all know how it goes.

Speaking of which, I need to write a news report about us missing girls...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

David Missed Me

It has been brought to my attention that my last blog post was September 22nd. Thank you, David.

Last weekend, I had the opportunity to spend some time with the nephews and niece. Heather and Travis went up to Park City, and I got to stay with the kiddies. I loved being there. It was nice to have some time off of work, first of all, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with Hunter, Courtney, and Jacob. Those three kids are the greatest ever. We watched The Princess Bride (which they had never seen, but of course loved) and ate pizza and ice cream. We went for a couple of walks/scooter rides around the neighborhood. We played frisbee. It was lovely. Saturday and Sunday were spent watching Conference and enjoying the company of family. Heather and Travis were home Saturday afternoon, and Marie and Jana came over on Sunday. What a lovely weekend. Not exactly relaxing, but it was nice nonetheless. And I got a lot of crocheting done. Working on a rug. It's gonna be awesome.

The weekend before that, Lindsey and Ashley were here for a visit and we got to have dinner with them and the Doxey's. Good times. It was fun to chat and laugh together again. I miss those girls so much. All of the giggling and silliness, and all of the great conversations.

I just love spending time with people I love.

As a side note, work has finally gone back to normal--meaning we're back to a normal pace and getting all of the normal stuff done. It's nice to not have to smile begrudgingly at students all day long and get some paper work done instead. I know, boring. But I like it. Also, we're back on 4-10s and it's so nice to have an extra day off. I have Wednesday to myself this time, and I'm looking forward to a break in the middle of the week.

Another side note, my toilet doesn't run and run and run anymore. Hallelujah!

Also, who said it was OK for the weather to go from mid-80s to mid-40s overnight? Not OK. I'm all for Fall and cooler weather and sweaters and rain and hot chocolate and warm socks and snuggling up in big blankets, but overnight?! I need time to adjust! My feet are confined in real shoes today, and they don't like having that sprung on them. I had to pull out my coat! I don't think I'll get another skirt/dress day without leggings until May. I just wasn't prepared for this. On the up-side, I get to wear sweaters and beanies and scarves again.

One more side note, I went for a bike ride the other day, and my butt still hurts from the stupid seat.